
Classifies quantitative data from attributes, styles the features appropriately and also creates a clean, simple and appealing legend depicting the value classes and their associated symbols, all combined in a single step. Classifying point features can be done based on symbol color and size, line features based on color and width, polygon features based on fill color (for choropleth maps) and fill pattern (hatch fill). Extends the L.geoJSON layer.

Aims to simplify data visualization and creation of elegant thematic web maps with Leaflet using GeoJSON data, with a more traditional approach of thematic cartography. Although tutorials for defining style functions (to retrieve class colors through pre-defined conditional statements) and basic legend creation exist for Leaflet, those are static (are only created for a specific dataset) and might require using GIS software beforehand to classify and style the dataset properly (to get class boundaries and exact colors), in order to have a visualization that gets the message through. This customizable plugin automates all this and can easily be used for any dataset with quantitative data. As it extends L.GeoJSON, you can have multiple layers of this (with a matched legend for each) to create a more complex data visualization.

Screenshot of example maps created with the plugin. Samples.



All features in the examples listed here have binded tooltips (a default Leaflet feature) for an easier check of attribute values.


Include dependencies plus leaflet-dataclassification.css and leaflet-dataclassification.js in your code. You can also link them through GitHub Pages:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://balladaniel.github.io/leaflet-dataclassification/leaflet-dataclassification.css" />
<script src="https://balladaniel.github.io/leaflet-dataclassification/leaflet-dataclassification.js"></script>

Usage example

const layer = L.dataClassification(data, {
    // required:
    mode: 'quantile',
    classes: 4,
    field: 'population',
    // optional:					
    pointMode: 'size',
    pointSize: {min: 2, max: 10},
    pointShape: 'square',
    lineMode: 'width',
    lineWidth: {min: 1, max: 15},
    polygonMode: 'color',
    polygonHatch: {
        strokeColors: ['lightgreen', '#fff8b5'], 
        strokeWidth: {min: -1, max: 13},
        distinctionMode: 'both',
        angle: 45,
        alternateAngle: 45
    colorRamp: 'OrRd',
    colorCustom: ['rgba(210,255,178,1)', '#fec44f', 'f95f0eff'],  // if specified, overrides colorRamp!
    noDataColor: '#101010',
    noDataIgnore: false,
    reverseColorRamp: false,
    middlePointValue: 0,
    classRounding: 2,
    normalizeByField: 'areakm2',
    legendTitle: 'Density (pop/km²)',
    legendFooter: '(additional info in footer)',
    legendPosition: 'bottomleft',
    legendRowGap: 5,
    legendAscending: false,	
    legendTemplate: {
        highest: '{low} and above [{count}]',
        middle: '{low} – {high} [{count}]',
        lowest: 'below {high} [{count}]',
        nodata: 'No data [{count}]'
    unitModifier: {action: 'divide', by: 1000},
    style: {
        fillColor: 'purple',    // marker fill color in point/size mode
        radius: 8,              // marker shape radius (size) in point/color mode,
        fillOpacity: 0.7,       // polygon fill opacity in polygon modes
        color: '#aabbcc',       // line stroke color in line/width mode, polygon outline stroke color in polygon modes
        weight: 5,              // line stroke weight in line/color mode, polygon outline stroke weight in polygon modes

Required options

Additional options (in addition to the standard L.geoJSON options)

Specific for Point features

General options

Hatch fill pattern types

Hatch fill patterns provided by leaflet-hatchclass. (Gede, M.: Hatch Fill on Webmaps – to Do or Not to Do, and How to Do, Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 5, 48, https://doi.org/10.5194/ica-abs-5-48-2022, 2022.)

Screenshot of different hatch fill pattern modes (distinctionMode option). Samples.

How to cite

If you happen to use the plugin in connection with a scientific publication, please refer to:

Balla, D. and Gede, M.: Beautiful thematic maps in Leaflet with automatic data classification, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-4/W12-2024, 3–10, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W12-2024-3-2024, 2024.

The publication gives an overview of features offered (and not offered) by Leaflet specifically for creating thematic maps and it also includes a basic performance assessment of the plugin.